

Drostanolone Enanthate SP labs 200mg/10ml vial

Original price was: $132.00.Current price is: $87.20.

Steroid profile
Anabolic activity – 62-130% of testosterone
Androgenic activity – 25-40% of testosterone
Aromatization (conversion to estrogens) – no
Method of reception – injections
Period of elimination – drostanolone enanthate – 7-10 days


Drostanolone Enanthate (Masteron, Drolban, Permastril, Mastager, etc.) is an anabolic steroid that is produced in the form of propionate and enanthate esters. Masteron has moderate androgenic activity and high anabolic action. Masteron does not aromatize in the body (that is, it does not turn into estrogen), on the contrary, it is an aromatase inhibitor. Drostanolon is similar in biological action to dihydrotestosterone, as it is a derivative of this hormone.

Drostanolone Enanthate is popular in bodybuilding, as it does not cause fluid accumulation and has a moderate diuretic effect, which allows you to improve the relief and definition of muscles. Drostanolon can be interesting to those athletes who want to increase the hardness and density of the muscles, as a rule, it is used shortly before competitions. Drostanolon allows you to achieve the most expressive state of the muscles, this also happens due to the fat-burning effect of the drug. Practice shows that the Masteron course can reduce fat mass by 5-7% from the original.

Drostanolone Enanthate is able to increase strength indicators while maintaining total body mass and reducing fat content. This makes drostanolone attractive in powerlifting. The drug can be used on a diet for weight loss with the goal of preserving muscle mass and suppressing catabolism.

Side effects of the Drostanolone Enanthate
Masteron has a low anabolic index, that is why it burns fat so well, at the same time it increases the risk of androgenic side effects: aggression, acne, baldness, prostate hypertrophy and virilization in women. Once at the Olympic Games, almost all gold medals were obtained by the German swimming team, later it was proven that the athletes used a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, and apparently it was Masteron. During the interview, one of the journalists asked the question, Why do all sportswomen have such a low voice? To this, one of them answered that they are here to swim, not to sing.

Masteron does not cause such side effects as fluid retention, raising blood pressure and has low toxicity for the liver.

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