

Testosterone Enanthate Magnus 250/10ml vial

Original price was: $60.88.Current price is: $44.58.

Perhaps the main advantage of testosterone enanthate is a pronounced increase in both muscle mass and strength (which is why it is highly valued by weightlifters and powerlifters), as well as pumping. Along with the anabolic effect, the drug has a pronounced androgenic effect. Rapid weight gain is associated with significant water retention due to sodium retention and estrogenic action. At the end of the course, a noticeable rollback phenomenon is observed.



Testosterone enanthate Magnus  is an ester of natural testosterone. In bodybuilding, it is one of the most popular steroids for gaining muscle mass. testosterone enanthate is a long-acting steroid. Depending on the metabolism and hormonal background, the average period of action of the drug is 2-3 weeks (half-life is 6-7 days). In bodybuilding, triathlon and weightlifting, injections are given once or twice a week to maintain a constantly high and as stable concentration as possible.

Steroid profile

Excretion from the body after injection 250 mg
Anabolic activity – 100% of testosterone
Androgenic activity – 100% of testosterone (high)
Aromatization (conversion to estrogens) – high (there is a need for antiestrogens)
Suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis – pronounced
Liver toxicity – absent
Method of administration – injections
Duration of action – 15 days
Detection time – 3 months
Effects and action on the body

Testosterone Enanthate Cycles

The anabolic effect of testosterone enanthate is directly proportional to the dosage used. You can see this dependence on the graph on the right. The recommended dose is 250-500 mg per week, and with the growth of the athlete’s body weight, the dosage is most often revised upwards. Injections are performed 1-2 times a week, preferably in the gluteal region. Typically, a testosterone enanthate course lasts 8-10 weeks, and post-cycle therapy is performed after 2-3 weeks. Very often, testosterone enanthate is used for longer periods of time. To achieve the highest results, it is necessary to follow an appropriate diet (relief or muscle gain) with the use of sports nutrition.

Maximum effective dose. According to Bill Roberts [4], the maximum testosterone dose is 2-4 grams per week for professional athletes, further increasing the dosage is pointless.

To avoid the development of estrogenic side effects, it is advisable to use aromatase inhibitors or Proviron, starting from the 2-3 week, as described in the relevant articles. The intake of aromatase inhibitors ends one week after the end of the cycle. It is optimal to conduct an analysis of the estradiol level before and during the use of aromatase inhibitors to monitor the effectiveness.

Also, as a PCT, cortisol blockers should be used immediately after the enanthate cycle, to maintain the gained mass.


Combined Cycles

For gaining muscle mass, testosterone enanthate combines well with Anapolon, Methandrostenolone, Nandrolone and Trenbolone. Examples of combination courses:

200 – 250 mg of nandrolone decanoate per week
500 mg of testosterone enanthate per week.
Do not forget to use aromatase inhibitors
For drying and relief, the course is supplemented with Winstrol or Anavar in medium doses.

Side effects

A big problem with the use of testosterone enanthate in bodybuilding is its strong ability to aromatize, i.e. convert into estrogens. As a result, gynecomastia, edema, female-type fat deposition, etc. often develop. Several years ago, these problems were relieved by the use of antiestrogens. Today, aromatase inhibitors are the drugs of choice for controlling estradiol-induced side effects. The use of antiestrogens is more appropriate and even necessary after the course, primarily to normalize the production of endogenous testosterone. Testosterone enanthate, like any other anabolic steroid, has a suppressive effect on the “hypothalamus – pituitary gland – testicles” arc. As a result, the function of the pituitary gland is inhibited by the feedback mechanism, which is manifested by a decrease in the secretion of endogenous testosterone.

Quote from the instructions of “Ienafarm”: “Testosterone Depot with high-dose therapy can cause side effects that are manifested by a decrease in spermatogenesis in the testicles, and, consequently, a decrease in their size.” For this reason, during long courses or when using high doses, it is necessary to use gonadotropin, starting from the 3-4th week, and ending 2-3 weeks after the course.

Testosterone enanthate also causes such side effects as: acne, increased blood pressure, aggression, hair loss and some others.


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