

Schilddrüse Liothyronin T3 50tab/ 25mcg Magnus

Der ursprüngliche Preis war: $46.00.Der aktuelle Preis ist: $27.00.

Nicht empfohlen bei individueller Überempfindlichkeit gegen das Medikament, Herzerkrankungen, Angina pectoris (Brustschmerzen), koronare Herzkrankheit, Herzinsuffizienz, jede Art von Diabetes oder Probleme mit der Hypophyse oder Nebenniere. Es gibt keine registrierten Fälle von Überdosierung.


T3 is very much liked by bodybuilders, as it helps to burn excess fat in the body. During preparation for a competition, using T3, you can significantly reduce body fat in the body without reducing significantly calories.

In medicine, T3 (Liothyronine) is used in cases of thyroid disease, obesity, metabolic disorders and fatigue. More specifically, this means that it is a pharmaceutical formulation made from natural thyroid hormone, triiodothyronine (T3). Upon receipt of T3, it accelerates the exchange process of substances in patients. The result is increased cell activity, which is expressed in faster processing of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

Typically, the first day of taking is 1 tablet – 25 mcg, then the dosage is increasing, even taking one tablet every 3 or 4 days, leading to a maximum dosage of 100 mcg. This mode will allow the body to adapt to increased levels of thyroid hormones and avoid disruptions. The daily dose should also be distributed evenly for the reception during the day in order to uniformly keep the hormone levels in the blood.

Women are more susceptible to T3 side effects, than men, and therefore should not take more than 50 mcg per day.

A list of T3 side effects include (but are not limited to) heart palpitations, agitation, holding of breath, arrhythmia, sweating, nausea, headaches, disturbances in metabolism. This potent hormone, also if used incorrectly, it can lead to serious disturbances in the body. If you are taking T3, then remember that its dosage should be increased slowly.

Nicht empfohlen bei individueller Überempfindlichkeit gegen das Medikament, Herzerkrankungen, Angina pectoris (Brustschmerzen), koronare Herzkrankheit, Herzinsuffizienz, jede Art von Diabetes oder Probleme mit der Hypophyse oder Nebenniere. Es gibt keine registrierten Fälle von Überdosierung.

T3 is often combined with Clenbuterol, which leads to remarkable results. This combination of drugs is very popular today, as it undoubtedly improves the appearance of muscles, especially on stage. It was also observed that when taking thyroid hormones together with anabolic steroids, you can achieve a significant anabolic effect, expressed brighter than when using only one steroid. All this is likely due to the more rapid processing of proteins in the body that increases the rate of accumulation of new muscle mass.

It is important to note that the full T3 cycle should not exceed 6 weeks and it can not be interrupted suddenly. The dosage should be reduced slowly as (1 tablet every 3-4 days) how it was raised.


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