
HGC Gonadotropin 5000ui Magnus


HGC Gonadotropin ist ein Hormon, das von der weiblichen Plazenta während einer normalen Schwangerschaft produziert wird. Die Wirkung dieses Medikaments ist dem luteinisierenden Hormon (LH) sehr ähnlich, da dieses Hormon bekanntermaßen in der Lage ist, den Eisprung auszulösen. Wenn HCG mit anderen Medikamenten und Drogen kombiniert wird, ist es sehr wirksam bei der Unterstützung weiblicher Patienten, schwanger zu werden. Dieses Medikament kann auch männlichen Patienten helfen, die unter Fruchtbarkeitsproblemen leiden (eine Behandlung mit diesem Medikament ermöglicht es in der Regel, eine höhere Menge an Testosteron zu produzieren).


HGC Gonadotropin is a popular medicine that is regularly prescribed to female patients as part of a regimen that is supposed to induce: Ovulation induction in subfertility that is usually triggered by impaired follicle-ripening or by anovulation. – Luteal phase support. Follicle preparation for puncture in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation programs (this usually occurs in the case of medically assisted reproductive methods and techniques).

HGC Gonadotropin is a medicine that is regularly prescribed to male patients because of its ability to induce Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism. Some patients who were suffering from idiopathic dysspermias have positively responded to a treatment with this medicine. Delayed puberty which is regularly associated with an insufficient function of the gonadotrophic pituitary glands. Cryptorchidism, (not the one that is triggered by an abnormal anatomical obstruction).

HGC Gonadotropin  is a popular medicine that helps both male and female patients deal with infertility. However, this medicine can also be used for some other purposes (to treat or to prevent some other medical conditions) that have not been listed here.

In the case of female patients who want to be treated with HCG: Since infertile female patients who undergo medically assisted reproduction (especially those who need in vitro fertilization), are known to often be suffering from tubal abnormalities, after a treatment with this drug they might experience much more ectopic pregnancies. This is why early ultrasound confirmation at the beginning of a pregnancy (to see whether the pregnancy is intrauterine or not) is crucial. Pregnancies who have occurred after a treatment with this medicine are submitted to a higher risk of multiplets. Female patients who have thrombosis, severe obesity or thrombophilia should not be prescribed this medicine as they have a higher risk of arterial or venous thromboembolic events after or during a treatment with HCG. Female patients who have been treated with this medicine are usually more prone to pregnancy losses.


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